DDoS Attack Metrics for 2012-2013 Are Showing A Haunting Increase!

In every organization there is a threat of DDoS. If your security department does not take the proper precaution against possible attacks then they are not doing there job. No matter how much your considered a target if you are a enterprise company you have a possibility of being attacked. Hacks from around the globe will find there way to your netblock and take you down.

 Possible ways to divert the traffic:

  • Create Null Routes for known bad ranges into your network.

such as "RIPE Network, RIPE Latin America.." All of the ranges of private VPN providers and known ranges where are used to do recon scans.
  • Turn of all types of  ICMP Ingress traffic
  • Route traffic 

Every one knows now more then ever if you are DDoSed then you will find out how good your ISP is. Usually a redundant path is a great way of diverting traffic to maintain your network. Also make sure if you have a back up path you also have a back up security procedure in critical times you just cant afford to miss anything when recovering from a DDoS.

DDoS Attack Metrics for Q2 2013 vs Q2 2012 by Prolexic Technologies

This easy-to-read DDoS trends infographic compares total DDoS attacks, types of DDoS attacks used, and average duration, bandwidth and packets-per-second (pps) for Q2 (April-June) 2013 to the same quarter a year earlier.
The infographic reveals that year-over-year for the second quarter:
  • The total number of DDoS attacks increased 33 percent.
  • DDoS attacks targeting the network infrastructure increased 23 percent.
  • DDoS attacks targeting web applications increased 79 percent.
  • Average DDoS attack duration more than doubled with a 123 percent increase to result in much longer attacks.
  • Average attack bandwidth skyrocketed 925 percent to result in much bigger attacks.
  • Average packets-per-second increased a stunning 1655 percent to result in much stronger attacks.



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